Create a simple sorting system for a kid's playroom.
1) Anyone (read: adults) who can't tell their Disney Princesses, from Dora & Diego,
or Toy Story characters from Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends could easily help
the younger children, who were just as clueless, put the toys away.
2) Having spent a lot of money re-doing the playroom floor, they wanted to use whatever containers
they already owned.
1) Group toys based on the simplest common denominator, no matter
which cartoon they originated from. Here, they were sorted based on function: "Toys that make sounds",
"Toys that have wheels", "People, Animals & Robots", "Large Lego's", "Things to use
with Play-dough", etc. Each each container was labeled with those titles on all 4 sides.
2) Containers were chosen based on their size and the amount of toys in a particular category
they could hold. The choices were made based on function not fashion.